ClassiShop Magento Template is dedicated for apparel and clothes stores eCommerce template. With several free extensions and customization ClassiShop Magento Template is dedicated for all apparel and clothes online stores. eCommerce magento themes is mainly designed for the online shopping which help the user to do online shopping from their home etc...

Highlight Features of ClassiShop Magento Template :
- AJAX Add to Cart
- Cufon Fonts Enabled
- Custom DropDown Menu (Setting from Admin )
- Cloud Zoom to enlarge product images (Setting from Admin )
- Featured Products Slide Show
- AJAX Vertical Categories
- Placed Reviews Under TAB
- Footer Static Links Setting from Admin Panel
- Next-Previous link to move products under Product Page

General Features of ClassiShop Magento Clothes :
- Optimized for Fast Loading
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization) friendly
- Compatible with all major browsers (IE 7+ , Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- Applicable for multi-store and multi-languages
- Tabless HTML mark-up.
- Flexible for all columns layout. 1column, 2columns-left, 2columns-right, 3columns
- CSS 3 .0 valid.
- XHTML 1 .0 Strict valid.
- Support Magento CE version 1.5.0 and higher.
- Prototype and Jquery based Javascript (avoid javascript confliction).
- Well-structured and commented HTML & CSS for easy customization.
- Full PSD files supplied, easy to edit.
- Full user guide documentation to help you installing and utilizing the theme.

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